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Tomorrow...more substance...maybe

I was asked to update.

I'm too lazy to take pictures of my new cross-stitch creations so that will wait until tomorrow.

Last night was spent in my college town. I had to take care of some grad school application business. Due to yucky antibiotics, I was still unable to eat the 50 jello shots I originally made for the election party I never made it to. My friends were grateful. However, I had fun in other ways that did not interact with my medication.

Then, we proceeded to watch Kung Fu Panda. Granted I was drunk the first time and not all too there for the second viewing this time, but Kung Fu Panda is FUCKING AWESOME. may not be Wall-E but it's pretty damn good/hilarious even for adults.

Then, we watched Beowulf. Beowulf came to theaters when I was in Denmark. In Denmark, movie tickets cost $20. I was going to go but eventually backed out. Everyone in Denmark aka the origin of Beowulf told me it was pretty good. Liars...all of them! I knew they were going to change the story. Hell, half the story doesn't even make sense anyways. However, they butchered it and possibly made it more confusing. Add in bad zooms, cinematography and warped angles and badbadbad. Some of the movie looked like an RPG. Ick!

Damn, I'm falling asleep. Tomorrow, I get to turn in my two week notice! That means it's two weeks until Black Friday! I will be working Black Friday because the big box store I work at is paying me time and a half. And who would refuse $11 an hour to slack off cause I don't give a shit and am quitting anyway.



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