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Since it is already Monday morning in Australia, I have already received my pub placement! I'm really excited because it ended up not being what I asked for but exactly what I wanted. We had eventually agreed on living on the outskirts of London. I'm not only in London, but I'm a 5 minute walk from the British Museum and close to St. Paul's.

On December 2nd, I will start work at the Cittie of Yorke pub. Many sites as well as the guy who helped place me call it one of the great pubs of London. There has been a pub on the same spot since 1430, though this one was rebuilt in the 1920s. The website I've linked to has lots of pictures. It has incredible architecture with high vaulted ceilings. It also has private booth cubicles which are probably older than the restoration and are very rare in England now.

The job offer is pretty good. I make minimum wage. From that is deducted 26 pounds a week for room and board. Board consists of all meals except for on Sunday. Room will be in double or triple rooms with other workers who are mainly Australian and New Zealand-ers (?). Each room has cable tv and internet access. Also has laundry on site. I think that's a pretty good deal in all. I'll be working 5.5 days a week which is quite a bit. I guess it adds up to 40 hours and I'll make about 180 pounds. Hopefully they'll be lenient with a couple long weekends and such or I can get someone to cover my shift as I want to make it up to Scotland at some point as well as take many short trips to Canterbury, Brighton, Bath and maybe even the rest of Europe.

I'll have Sundays off and half of Saturday off. Since I'll be in Camden, I won't lose time in a long commute into London for sightseeing either! It should also make my first two days of running around a little less hectic.

On December 2nd, I plan to get to the pub using local transport from Gatwick airport. I'll have to take a train and transfer to tube with all my baggage! I'll go straight to the pub. Meet the managers. Then head out and get a cell phone. Also, try to get an appointment for a SS number. Then, to keep myself awake AND get oriented, I want to take the newLondon tour.

For anyone into travel, New tours are really awesome. They operate out of many cities. I've been on the ones in Berlin and Amsterdam. Their basic tour leaves on the same spot everyday. You just show up. The tour is free!!! They work for tips. The tours are often run by graduate students or English and Spanish speaking people who really know the city. Each tour lasts 3-4 hours with a food and bathroom break in the middle. It really is great for the budget traveller as it gives you city orientation, a huge and interesting history lesson, some neat hidden features of the city and even the food break is usually at an affordable but yummy spot. They'll also try to sell you other tours that cost money and pub crawls. In Amsterdam, we went on the Red Light District tour for about 8 euro and were really glad we did as we saw a lot of the area we would've missed otherwise. Anyways, in London, they offer 2 different free tours and I plan on taking advantage of them!

The next day will be hectic. I have to go to a meeting for BUNAC, the company that issues my student/work visa. They will give us info on insurance, bank accounts and how to find a job. It'll be boring since I already have a job but maybe I'll meet some people. It's mandatory. After that, I have to go get a bank account which I am told is no easy feat in England. At least I'll be a few tube stops away from all of these places!

1 Comment:

  1. Ashok said...
    Congratulations! This sounds really awesome, and thanks for bringing up the New Tour stuff - I hadn't heard of that before.

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