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No, I'm not pregnant...bitch...

Here's my rant for the day.

While cashiering at my oh so lovely job and dreading the 8 hours and 30 minutes left to go, some woman comes up and goes "You pregnant?"

First of all, if I was...What the Fuck?

Second of all, are you just satisfying your curiosity over whether I'm just fat or if I'm actually pregnant. And since I look super young, judge me for both.

Not to mention, I'm already self-conscious about it. So thanks bitch, for ruining the rest of my shift, because it didn't already suck without you. Most people go to college and gain weight. Some people go to college, have polycystic ovarian disease and get fucked up hormones which cause all weight gain to go towards the stomach. Hell, some people have this same thing and have to deal with gross body hair and mustaches or major acne. Luckily, I'm not one of those people. I try to think I've got it good with the weight deal. Until you rub it in.

Yes, I could lose the weight. Yes, I want to lose the weight. But for all of you skinny bitches who look on and judge, it isn't always that easy. Genes are not on my all. I'm still skinny for my family. Fucked up hormones are not on my side. You know how birth control can make you gain weight? Try being on birth control AND estrogen for added kicks. I can try not eating and I have. It just makes you feel more miserable, hungry, and I've never seen any real results. At this point, I've given up. Instead, I'm trying to just be healthy. Holy shit, that's craaaazy! You know, eating so you feel good, don't clog up your arteries or get adult onset diabetes. I just don't have time to conform to your body image ideals.

Also, I would like to remind the world that women with tummys used to be the shit. Check out medieval art. Sure, it was a sign of fertility but it also was fucking hott. Even the skinny chicks have a tummy. And don't even get me started on Rubens. Honestly, I don't even get Rubens totally.

But here's the deal. Unless you are talking to a girl obviously in her 8th month of pregnancy, DO NOT ask her if she's pregnant. It's rude. It's stupid. You are probably wrong. And you should probably just go fuck yourself.

On a side note: This woman was fat and ugly and had bad teeth. SO THERE!


  1. 3 said...
    fuck that bitch!
    Ashok said...
    I hope you're feeling better after this awful incident: that was quite insensitive of her. Haven't heard from you in a while - just wondering what's new besides idiot customers calling people pregnant.

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