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Ok...I don't really. Well, maybe sometimes. When you work in retail or food service, people fucking suck. Seriously, stop being such bitches and I would be nice. Anyways, it's been a lifetime since I've posted any cross-stitch despite the fact that all I've been doing is stitching. Yes, I have no life at the moment. However, I have caught up on all the trashy shows on TV while doing the cross stitch. I only have 3 more to complete! And two more weeks to complete them!

Not gonna lie. In 10 minutes, it will be two weeks until I leave for England. And I'm freaked out as all hell. So let's forget about all that and post some cross stitch (and drink some vodka...yeeeep).

Awww...isn't it pretty? I think so! And I framed it too! Anyways, I used a simple font in MacStitch and tweaked it a little. The girls were a design I copied from a sampler I made previously. And I improvised on the men...not that hard really. Anyways, I think this one is pretty fun especially with the line of people clasping hands and being all cutesy. At the same time, one of the most straightforward designs and one we can all relate to at some point.


  1. Ashok said...
    Thank you so much for the comments you left on the blog! I definitely hope they start some conversation.

    My apologies for not being on to talk to you: I went to sleep early Sunday and have gotten up pretty early now.

    You're gonna have comp access in England, right? It's gonna be great hearing your updates from there.
    3 said...
    nice stitching. i can relate to your needlepoint messages.

    you'll feel that way a lot more when you move to england. i've lived there. it's gloomy.

    but damn, it's fun.
    3 said...
    oh yeah, ps since i'm a random stranger who's presently stalking your blog, i should at least help you out with a little advice. getting a bank account in england sucks. i went from bank to bank to bank and in the end, Barclays is the easiest and nicest to bank with if you're foreign. they won't give you a real debit card though, unless you keep your account at 2000 pounds or more at all times (which i, a poverty-stricken exchange student at the time, could not do). They will give you an atm card though, so you can get cash from most streetcorners. good luck.

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