Whether you like John McCain or Barack Obama, you must watch this hilarious video. John McCain has one too, but it's not quite as funny. McCain pokes fun at people but Obama wins at life for name dropping Facebook, Yankee Stadium, and lip stick wearing pigs.
My favorite quote? As Obama reads his "facebook profile" outloud, "My greatest strength is my humility. My greatest weakness? It's possible I'm a little too awesome."
Oh Obama, you are WAY too awesome.
Anyone watch SNL tonight? Anyone think Palin just stood there awkwardly while they tried to not let her talk? Anyone still completely freaked out that her and Tina Fey look that much alike? Anyone also freaked out that Tina Fey is a better Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin?!?
But seriously, the skit is worth watching simply for all the awesome celeb cameos.
These things are all I have to entertain me between long, excruciating shifts at my minimum wage job. Feel sorry for me...now!
Labels: awesomeness, election, obama, palin