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Today, I finished the first of about thirteen or fourteen new cross-stitch designs. These have all been "commissioned" by my mom. She's the boss of about 14 people and wanted to give them each a small Christmas present.

The first one "Dangit!" is for one of the people who has to work near actual clients. That means, no matter how stupid or obnoxious the person is or how much the situation warrants it, she has to restrain herself from all damns, fucks, and shits. Therefore, she has taken to saying "Dangit" about 10 times a minute.

So, for all the times it's inappropriate to voice what's really on your mind, this sampler will be there to remind you to say nice words!

I designed this is MacPro using Edwardian Script (I think). The flower pattern was adapted from one on which was, in turn, pulled from a sampler from the early 20th century. Isn't it just precious?


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