I missed half of the debates as I was too busy at my mind-numbing job.
It's a shame. I missed the great quote "Sarah Palin is a role model for all women." Also, now that she's had a Down's Syndrome baby who is...how old? she's now apparently an expert on all special needs children. What was that autistic comment? Does she have an autistic kid? I was just confused. Regardless, she is a not a role model for me because I'm not that stupid of a woman, thank you.
Overall, it was a fairly amusing last half. Poor John McCain. I think he's really losing steam. The split screen wasn't doing much for him either. I loved watching how calm and eloquent Obama was while McCain got more and more irritated as Obama talked. He sure can't control himself very well. So much blinking! By the time he got to answer, he was so worked up that he just blurted things out to be like HA, you're wrong! GOTCHA!
Props to Obama, yet again, for actually getting me interested in politics. Oh, and props to Sarah Palin, without which I would not feel quite so invest in Obama winning. While I always supported Obama, I wasn't nearly that dead set on him until Palin came around.
So, if anyone is out there reading. If I were to have a little drinking game on election night, what would be a McCain/Palin themes cocktail? My dad suggested something expensive and snooty for the whole Republican thing but I can't imagine we are going to sit around sipping Scotch. Yuck! My friend suggested Natty Light but McCain really isn't a redneck type of Republican so I don't know if that works either.