Obama Love! Show your support and carve an Obama pumpkin! You certainly wouldn't be the first to. Damn, some of those take talent!
My new favorite series on the internets...Pot Psychology brought to you by jezebel.com. Basically, they get stoned and answer advice questions. This one is a personal favorite. It features a guest appearance by someone from Top Model who seems to be the most stoned of anyone. Her views on anal sex are quite enlightening.
Now, I know some of you may be sick of all the talk of Palin. Unfortunately, I am not. Seriously, who can resist a good Palin bashing now and then? And for setting the women's right movement back to the 1800s, she does kind of deserve it. I can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I watch this clip.
In other news, I'm trying to get an election party together in the hopes that it won't involve depressing binge drinking like the last election. Last election was my first time voting. Like everyone else on my campus, I had to wait in line for 5 hours to vote. Others had to wait as long as 10 hours. When we finally voted, it made us feel awesome. For a moment, we believed in democracy and that we were helping to change America for the better. The whole small town came to a stand still as everyone was stuck in line. However, the poll results later that night caused a massive drinking binge throughout campus as our state went red. Our small town had voted 90% blue.
Hopefully, there will be celebratory drinking this year. I want to make Bahama Mamas, which I shall rename Obama Mamas. I kind of want a McCain/Palin themed drink as well. But Republicans just aren't fun and I can't think of fun drinks.
I should also mention that my favorite holiday is Halloween but I don't know if I'll be doing anything this year for it. Since I don't want to blow money on a costume, I thought I'd wear my Texans for Palin shirt and go as a Republican. My mom also claims to have Palin-like glasses which I can borrow.
If not, I will reuse my bumblebee costume and be the fat bumblebee from Blind Melon's No Rain video.