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Ohio was the first red state to turn blue. Wow, what a good feeling.

And now I'm watching McCain's speech as he acknowledges that we have elected the first African American (/Hawaiian) president. As someone who respected McCain in previous campaigns, I don't really see how he changed so much in this one. Or what made him think Palin was a wise choice.

Regardless, props for manning up in this speech. It seems that McCain fans have gotten out of control. While McCain is the most composed he has been, his fans are completely rude and shows the real divide in the Republican party. McCain calls for support of the new president and they boo him?

While some would have preferred a woman elected, I also feel confident about our new first lady! An interesting segment on the daily show tonight featured a man who went to Harvard when both Michelle and Barack went there. Interestingly enough, he always thought Michelle would be the one in office. Regardless, by electing Barack, we will also have a strong first lady which we haven't had since Clinton.

In other news, I don't have to move to Canada! Yay! However, by the time Obama is sworn in I will be living in London.

1 Comment:

  1. Sister Mary Martha said...
    Not so insubstantial at all.

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