Wow, our new president is just so tech savvy. Or at least he knows people who are. Regardless, who knew that photos chronicling his family during the election would be up on Flickr? The album of 82 photos can be found here.
The photographs cover the Obama family once they arrived at the hotel close to Grant Park through the speech at Grant Park. It's funny to think that Obama basically found out he was president when we did as their family gathers around the television. My favorite photos seem to have been taken during McCain's concession speech and before a bunch of people come to congratulate him. They seem to capture the sentiment of "Holy shit, I'm president. Oh shit, that's a lot of responsibility!"
Okay, it doesn't seem as if the photos will upload right now. Soooo, follow these links for my two personal favorites. Link and Link.
Hope you're doing well, hope you're making a full recovery.